Artygeek helps enterprises and startups to design and launch successful digital products in Retail, Fintech, Healthcare, and Saas. We cover full SDLC and help with high-quality resources.
Our Services:
Our clients and partners benefit from a strong corporate culture, design thinking, and systematic approach. Our goal is to drive positive changes in human experience interacting with digital products.
We provide all team organization processes, taking full responsibility for maintaining the needs, such as office facilities, education and full accounting / legal support
Our Services:
- Product Conceptualization - Research, Business Process Modeling, Prototyping, Validation.
- Full Cycle Product Development includes product conceptualization with software development (incl. QA).
- Product Modernization - Re-branding, UX Testing and change, Refactoring, New features implementation
How do we work?
- Time&Materials
- Dedicated team
- Full Cycle Product Development (Outsourcing)
Our Competencies:
Design Methodology: Design Sprints (Lean UX, UCD)
User Strategy/User Research/Prototyping/User Testing
Tools: Sketch, Balsamiq, Axure, Invision, Zeplin Back End Development
Agile Web Development
Front End Development JavaScript Frameworks: AngularJS 4/5 Build Systems: Grunt, Gulp, Browserify, WebPack Layout: HTML5 / CSS3, Responsive
Frameworks: Twitter Bootstrap, ZURB Foundation CSS3 Preprocessors: LESS, SCSS, Stulys
Javascript Preprocessors: CoffeeScript, TypeScript Libraries: jQuery, Underscore, Lodash
Backend Development: ASP.NET MVC/Core 2, ASP.NET WebForms .NET, ASP.NET WebAPI, WCF
Database: MS SQL Server, MySQL, Mongo DB, Postgres SQL
ORM: Entity Framework, NHibernate Unit Testing: NUnit, MS Test, XUnit, Moq, Rhino Mocks
Deployment: Azure, Amazon Web Services
Manual testing Automation testing: UI (Selenium webDriver + Java + TestNg) performance (JMeter, Gatling, BlazeMeter) API testing : (Selenium + Java + Rest assured)