Artios delivers Mine Action and Stabilisation services globally, with a specific focus on capacity development. This includes supporting Land Release operations of conventional mine, IED and ERW contamination; through to the management and destruction of ammunition stockpiles, and the training of police and military personnel in EOD, IEDD and Advanced Search. We are known for our ability to operate in some of the toughest locations worldwide: from Afghanistan and Iraq to East Africa, and recently, Ukraine.
Artios provides organisations with the ability to handle ambiguity in the blurred lines between war and peace in fragile and conflict affected states (FCAS) and crises. At home we support clients across a range of sectors from academia and media to defence and technology. This includes delivering UXO Risk Assessments, mitigation planning and client representation services compliant to CIRIA C681.
Artios are ISO 9001, 14001 and Cyber Essentials Plus certified and are proven suppliers to both the UN and UK government; both, through the Conflict, Security, Stabilisation Fund (CSSF) framework and open procurement.