Arti Grafiche Julia S.P.A.

Printing Services, Flatbed printing: letterpress and offset-photolithography, Printing and publishing · 51 Employees
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Arti Grafiche Julia spa was established in 1967. With its 50 years of experience in security products, Julia guarantees best in class and worldwide proven quality an unparalleled design capability. Nowadays, Julia as an innovation leader in the RFID ticketing space, serves more than 40 countries worldwide. With references such as the 2018 Football World Cup, Julia integrated RFID capabilities to the most shiny and high attention events, issuing tens of millions contactless tickets monthly. Arti Grafiche Julia manufactures all its products in its own company plants, ensuring full control of the entire production cycle and by that total quality, graphical and technological excellence. All that done ECO friendly and with shortest delivery times possible. As the key player in the Internet of things, Julia provides identification of objects and people caring tickets or other hardware solutions from Julia. As the innovation leader in the identification ticketing space, it protects valuable assets of its clients and support its customers to get maximum gain from hardware media usage. Hereby Julia focused its latest development on the hardware media material excellence as well as customer support packages which enable maximum security and easy information gathering including its management. With the latest release of software customer support tool called “Julia connect”, Arti Grafiche Julia offers: 1. TICKETING SOLUTIONS & THEIR PERSONALISATION Julia applies the highest quality, design and security standards to a large variety of tailor-made solutions. Julia offering consists of wide variety of hardware printed media with strong focus on individual product personalisation 2. SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS AND CONSUMER ENGAGEMENT ENGINE Julia software is the key instrument to handle the digital contents of your hardware media. It's conceived as a personalised control board, supplying digital contents directly to your customers in a targeted, conscious and dynamic way.
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Printing Services, Flatbed printing: letterpress and offset-photolithography, Printing and publishing, Paper, Printing, Publishing, Printing services, reel-fed rotary, Rotary printing
HQ Location
via Travnik, 7 San Dorligo della Valle, Trieste 34018, IT
Ticket Graphic Design and Printing with the newest security featuresECO & traditional NFC tickets and hardened paper cardsECO & traditional RFID KEY CARDSECO and traditional RFID ticketsContent management platformData analytics platformData protection servicesCashless solutions
  • via Travnik, 7 San Dorligo della Valle, Trieste 34018, IT

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Printing Services, Flatbed printing: letterpress and offset-photolithography, Printing and publishing

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