Artelittera is a platform for downloading chapters of academic books, including essays, studies, and conference proceedings in various disciplines. The price per chapter is fixed: 4 € all taxes (3,79 € no taxes). Each chapter is presented with its metadata as well as the mandatory mentions that allow it to be cited in a doctoral thesis or dissertation. The Artelittera model can be adapted to any language. This is why we have created two complementary identities: (English) and (Chinese). Artelittera is a French company that allows users from all over the world to access academic content, mainly in French and English. Artelittera offers a flexible, innovative and humanistic solution to users. At Artelittera, you only pay for what you want to read because it corresponds to the subject of your request. There is no subscription formula because we want to leave our clients free to come and go. If you buy several chapters at the same time, you will benefit from a promotional rate. (10% discount for 5 chapters, 20% for 10 chapters, 40% for 20 chapters). In addition, in order to allow you to think about the choice of your documentary research, Artelittera offers you to download the summary, introduction, conclusion or bibliography for free! The book chapter is a legal documentary resource that can be cited directly in a doctoral thesis, a research paper, a report, etc. Discover our E-Chapters catalog through the Artelittera websites: (French website) (English website) (Chinese website)