Art Asylum Boston

Artists and Writers · 2 Employees
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Based on the notion that Art is constantly evolving to reflect the culturally diverse subject matters of humans and artists as well as their respective backgrounds. We aim to bring this new Urban Medium to the fore front of the world by teaching people about the multiple aspects of urban art as well as fine art and it's impact on society, and to inject this knowledge into the minds of local communities - not just to the fine art connoisseurs. By showcasing culturally significant urban art, Art Asylum elevates street - based art to a realm of fine art. Urban art is a term used to describe a myriad of art forms that stem from non-traditional subject matters or from non-traditional artist backgrounds. Urban art carries an edgy, Raw, feeling that comes from a lack of boundaries. This creates extraordinary freedoms of expression and creativity, and with no limits, anything can happen. Art Asylum cares about defining the urban art movement as well as harnessing its collective powers.
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