Arizona Department Of Environmental Quality Adeq

Environmental Services · 201 Employees
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The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality's mission is to protect and enhance public health and the environment in Arizona. Clean Air, Safe Water, Healthy Land for Everyone. Established by the Arizona Legislature in 1986 in response to growing concerns about groundwater quality, ADEQ today administers a variety of programs to improve the health and welfare of our citizens and ensure the quality of Arizona's air, land and water resources meets healthful, regulatory standards. ADEQ is committed to leading Arizona and the nation in protecting the environment and improving the quality of life for the people of our state. ADEQ’s Social Media Posting Policy The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) welcomes the community’s contributions to its LinkedIn page (e.g. comments, photo tagging, wall posts, etc.), however ADEQ’s LinkedIn page is not considered a public forum. Community -contributed content on the Page is the opinion of the specific author and does not represent ADEQ. ADEQ abides by LinkedIn's Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, and ADEQ asks its LinkedIn users to do the same. In particular, please do not “post unauthorized commercial solicitations (such as spam)”, “bully, intimidated or harass any user”; “post content that is hateful, threatening, pornographic, or that contains nudity or graphic or gratuitous violence; or “do anything unlawful, misleading, or discriminatory” on ADEQ’s LinkedIn page. ADEQ reserves the right, but is not obligated, to remove comments that contain profanity, solicitations for commercial, advocacy group interests or political candidates; are factually erroneous/libelous; are wildly off-topic; that cannot be translated into English by Google Translate or other free online translation software; or that otherwise violate LinkedIn's Statement of Rights and Responsibilities. Multiple abuses of our Social Media posting policy may result in a user being banned from ADEQ’s LinkedIn page.
Year Founded
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Environmental Services
HQ Location
1110 W Washington St Phoenix, Arizona 85007, US
  • 1110 W Washington St Phoenix, Arizona 85007, US

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