Arboreport provides specialist, independent advice for urban trees and vegetation in natural areas. We provide decision support that allows the informed and sustainable management of natural resources.
Our practice philosophy recognises the inherent value provided by natural areas and the urban forest. We seek to increase the value of these assets through the provision of innovative, best practice solutions.
We survey and assess trees and vegetation in order to provide reports and planning documents for Residential, Commercial, Government, infrastructure and heritage projects. Our services include:
•Tree Surveys and Inventories
•Risk Assessment and Management
•Tree Management Plans
•Construction Impact Assessments
•Tree Protection and Construction Supervision
•Bushland, Weed and Riparian Management Plans
We also provide related services such as:
•Decay and Root Mapping Diagnostics
•Tree Protection Installation and Maintenance
•Supervision of Construction Works Adjacent to Trees
At Arboreport we employ AQF Level 5 Arboriculturists, Horticulturists and Natural Resource Managers (Bush Regenerators) and we are committed to training and continuing professional development. Arboreport has active memberships of the following professional associations:
•The Institute of Australian Consulting Arboriculturists
•Arboriculture Australia
•The International Society of Arboriculture
•The Local Government Tree Resources Association
•The Australian Institute of Horticulture