Founded by Mr. Hamdan Mohamed an Emirati National, to provide a platform for professional and business leaders worldwide to do business with the Arab World.
Arab Business Club has thousands of business personalities, entrepreneurs, decision makers, industry experts and marketing professionals to meet and share ideas and ink deals. We have a passion for excellence which attracts quality people and creates quality events.
The club strives to promote and strengthen business relationships built on trust and transparency among various business professionals.
The mission of the Arab Business Club is to take down the barriers between business people of different nationalities.
It thereby aims to contribute to the improvement of business and cross-cultural understanding, integration and communication worldwide.
Joining the club offers you privileged access to the elite Arab business world to introduce your products and services to like-minded business professionals.
In short, Arab Business Club is more than just a guide or commercial contact directory. It is a club where the real work of society takes place. And it is a gentle oasis for you to enjoy.