For over 40 years the biologists at Aquatechnex have been at the forefront of the fight to
protect our water resources. Our team pioneered assessment technologies to detect and
map threats to our nation’s lakes and rivers. We have a recognized expertise in the
restoration of aquatic habitats impacted by invasive aquatic species. As phosphorus
pollution is increasingly driving toxic algae blooms, our team has the technology to
sequester and remove phosphorus from lake and river systems. We support homeowner
associations, pond owners and golf course superintendents protect the value of the water on
their property. We have the capabilities to analyze, proscribe solutions and implement
programs to protect and restore any size water body.
Aquatechnex operates primarily in the states of Arizona, California, Idaho, Montana, Oregon
and Washington. Aquatechnex is a SePRO Preferred Applicator, Partner in The Mapping
Network and dealer for Bluewater Satellite and AquaMaster.