Did You Know... In our many years of offering Adobe Certified FrameMaker and Acrobat training that we have not canceled a single class at our Minneapolis (Golden Valley) location because of low enrollment. Because we personally do our own training, we don't need to meet a certain level of enrollment to make a class 'feasible' to run. In addition to regular classes,
Apt Solutions can customize and schedule classes to be held either on-site at your location or at any of our locations. We have been training and consulting in the electronic communications area for over 25 years. We specialize in pushing the limits of Adobe FrameMaker and Acrobat.
For individuals involved with key electronic pubs processes and development, our group of information interchange experts is ready with solid solutions. All are experienced in advising, mentoring, and useful development methods that work in the real world to resolve the output production needs of today.
Online Audio and Video Media, Computer Services, Design & Architecture, Programming companies, Software, Computers & IT
HQ Location
4030 Olson Highway Suite 200
Golden Valley, MN 55422, US
Adobe FrameMakerAdobe AcrobatPatternStream by FML