Antech Space Srl

Antech Space Srl specializes in Telecommunications with 2 employees
Phone Number: 390957413637
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About Antech Space Srl
Antech Space designs, manufactures and integrates turn-key satellite telecommunications systems and related RF equipment. The company, founded in 2016, is made up of a team of great experience and already known among the operators of the satellite market, especially between the owners of teleports and their end-users (such as National Broadcasters, Defense and Space Agencies). Recently the company has specialized in participating in international tenders, organized by State Institutions or private companies. Antech Space has a large range of products, that include Ka, K, Ku, X, C, S and L Band feed/horn RF solutions, both for fixed and mobile antennas, or electronic parts (as ACU - antenna control unit for GEO/LEO/MEO satellite antenna systems): every solution is configurated and customized according to customer needs. Antech Space team is also able to carry out any kind of refurbishment activities on old satellite telecommunication systems, both from the RF and the mechanical and handling point of view.
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Via della Madonnina, 20a San Pietro Clarenza, Sicily 95030, IT
Sistemi di Telecomunicazione via SatelliteApparati a Radio Frequenza attivi e PassiviFEEDOMTFILTERWAVEGUIDEEarth Station and Mobile Statio
Antech Space Srl Location
  • Via della Madonnina, 20a San Pietro Clarenza, Sicily 95030, IT

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