Clinical environment in any type of healthcare centre can provoke fear and disarray among children or adults who need to spend time away from home.
Our vision is a world in which illness, accidents and aging become a less traumatic and fearful experience thanks to the institution’s reassuring and welcoming atmosphere.
Indeed, research and experience in medical institutions have shown that a patient-friendly and stimulating environment has a positive impact on patients’ morale and health. Our team of artists paint “therapeutic” murals based on the principles of art therapy.
Since 2008, we have accomplished 240 projects with local partners all over Europe and reached 6.5 million beneficiaries.
Our projects:
- Promote well-being: a welcoming and joyful atmosphere has a positive emotional influence on patients and residents;
- Encourage interactions and facilitate treatments: soothed and calmed patients communicate more easily with nurses and family;
- Improve working conditions: staff feel more valued and motivated working in a warm environment.
We are an operational non-profit organisation founded in 2008, with an annual budget of CHF 500’000. All our projects are made possible thanks to the generosity of donors, sponsors and business partners.