I am Mindset Coach with 饾煯 饾棞饾棖饾棛 饾棖饾椉饾棶饾棸饾椀饾椂饾椈饾棿 饾棖饾棽饾椏饾榿饾椂饾棾饾椂饾棸饾棶饾榿饾椂饾椉饾椈饾榾 and 饾棤饾棽饾椈饾榿饾棶饾椆 饾棛饾椂饾榿饾椈饾棽饾榾饾榾 饾棖饾棽饾椏饾榿饾椂饾棾饾椂饾棸饾棶饾榿饾椂饾椉饾椈.
馃數 I help professionals to build a strong mindset and a life they truly love, using饾椈饾棽饾槀饾椏饾椉饾榾饾棸饾椂饾棽饾椈饾棸饾棽, 饾椇饾棽饾棻饾椂饾榿饾棶饾榿饾椂饾椉饾椈 饾棶饾椈饾棻 饾椀饾棽饾棶饾椏饾榿 饾榾饾棸饾椂饾棽饾椈饾棸饾棽, 饾棷饾椉饾榿饾椀 饾椂饾椈 饾棸饾椉饾椏饾椊饾椉饾椏饾棶饾榿饾棽 饾椊饾椏饾椉饾棿饾椏饾棶饾椇饾榾 饾棶饾椈饾棻 饾煭 饾椉饾椈 饾煭 饾棸饾椉饾棶饾棸饾椀饾椂饾椈饾棿. My clients are top multinationals and top performers.
馃數 As a communication professional with 15+ years of experience, both in the best PR Agency in Romania and corporate clients such as 饾棓饾槂饾椉饾椈, 饾棞饾椄饾棽饾棶, 饾棪饾榿饾棽饾椆饾椆饾棶 饾棓饾椏饾榿饾椉饾椂饾榾, 饾棝饾棽饾椂饾椈饾棽饾椄饾棽饾椈, I have been recognized with several awards during my career, such as 饾棜饾椉饾椆饾棻饾棽饾椈 饾棧饾棩 饾棓饾槃饾棶饾椏饾棻.
馃數 As a communication expert, I built the biggest Social Movement in Romania - 饾棢饾棽饾榿'饾榾 饾棗饾椉 饾棞饾榿, 饾棩饾椉饾椇饾棶饾椈饾椂饾棶! (with more than 1 800 000 volunteers involved) and I am a Mentor in the Let's Do It, World! community for 饾煭饾煷饾煬 饾棸饾椉饾槀饾椈饾榿饾椏饾椂饾棽饾榾.
鈻讹笍 Types of services:
鉁旓笍 Well-Being Programs
Mental fitness | Mind clarity | Emotional agility | Mindfulness | Managing Stress & Resilience | Building Healthy Habits | Accessing Intuition | Empowering Women | Building a Strong Relationship with Yourself
鉁旓笍 Skill Building Programs
Personal Branding | Storytelling and business content creation | Social Media | Empathic Communication | Mental fitness | Self Leadership
鉁旓笍 1 on 1 Coaching
Working on topics such as: Career transitions, New management levels, Key decisions
鉁旓笍 Inspirational Speeches
How we built the largest social movement in Romania | How do you turn fear into courage? | Lessons about life and self as a solo traveler in 40 countries | What does feminine power mean and how can we reconnect to our sources of authentic power
饾棳饾椉饾槀 饾棸饾棶饾椈 饾棸饾椉饾椈饾榿饾棶饾棸饾榿 饾椇饾棽 饾槂饾椂饾棶:
馃摟 饾棙饾椇饾棶饾椂饾椆: anca.banita@gmail.com
鈽庯笍 饾棧饾椀饾椉饾椈饾棽: 0040724229678