Tthe Criminal Justice Section of the American Bar Association has over 20,000 members. With its diverse, multi-disciplinary membership, the Criminal Justice Section is uniquely situated to address pressing issues facing today's criminal justice system.
The Criminal Justice Section has primary responsibility for the American Bar Association's work on solutions to issues involving crime, criminal law, and the administration of criminal and juvenile justice. The Section plays a leadership role in bringing the views of the ABA to the attention of federal and state courts and other policy-making bodies. The Section also serves as a resource to its members on issues in the forefront of change in the criminal justice arena.
To accomplish these goals, the Criminal Justice Section initiates studies and research; publishes reports, articles, and other widely-disseminated materials; reviews and makes recommendations concerning legislative, administrative, and judicial proposals relating to the criminal law and the administration of criminal justice; and authors amicus curiae briefs, filed with the United States Supreme Court, on behalf of the ABA in matters concerning the criminal law. As the primary voice on criminal justice issues within the ABA, the Section identifies emerging criminal justice issues which necessitate an appropriate response from the ABA, and coordinates the development of that response.