Founded in 1993, the American Bankruptcy Institute Law Review (ABI Law Review) is a partnership between St. John's School of Law and the American Bankruptcy Institute.
Circulating to over 12,000 and publishing articles and student notes on cutting edge issues of bankruptcy law and practice, we are widely regarded as the nation's premier scholarly bankruptcy journal. At the request of the American Bar Association, we updated an expanded version of our first issue as a hardcover book on single asset real estate transactions. It is now considered a foremost authority on the subject and is sold nationwide.
In addition to publishing the ABI Law Review biannually, our members help organize and run the prestigious Duberstein Bankruptcy Moot Court Competition, the only bankruptcy moot court competition in the nation. We conduct the research and create the fact patterns that form the basis of the competitors' arguments. We also prepare the bench memo for the Competition's judges, field two ghost teams that litigate alongside the competitors and serve as bailiffs in the preliminary rounds.
As members of the ABI Law Review, students are highly encouraged to author notes on major bankruptcy issues affecting various legal disciplines. They also help choose topics for each issue. Student editors and staff have complete control over the journal editing process.Members also contribute to the ABI Bankruptcy Case Blog and the St. John’s Bankruptcy Research Library, offering current research on bankruptcy’s most cutting edge cases and issues.