American Babbitt Bearing provides complete support for manufacturing and repair of Babbitt bearings for rotating equipment. Specializing in: Motor Repair Companies, Hydro Power Plants, Fossil Power plants, Steel and Aluminum Mill Bearings, Cement Plants, Mine and Quarries.
American Babbitt Bearing is a quality repair shop, we are ISO 9001:2008 certified, our 35,000 sq. ft. manufacturing area and large machining (up to 10 feet outside diameter), CNC lathes and Mills, allow us to support many outages simultaneously.
Types of bearings that American Babbitt Bearing repairs and manufactures.
Cement Industry: Ball Mill Bearings, ID and FD fan bearings.
Hydro Power: Thrust Shoes, Turbine Guide Bearings, Generator Guide Bearings, Guide Shoes
Fossil Power: Motor, Pump, ID and FD Fan Bearings, Turbine Bearings (all OEM’S),
Motor Repair: Motor and Pump Bearings, Thrust shoes
Steel and Aluminum: ID and FD Fan Bearings, Reversing mill motor Bearings, Pinion Stands, Liner Bearings, Motor and Pump bearings.
Mines and Quarries: Ball Mill Bearings, Jaw Crusher Bearings, motor and pump bearings
Machinery Manufacturing, Sealing Rings, Locomotive Piston Rings, Seals & Rings, Hardware, Bearings, General Bearings, Machinery, Tools & Supplies, Babbitt Bearings, Babbitt
HQ Location
#80 Industrial Lane
Huntington, WV 25702, US
Spin Casting of Babbitt BearingsUT and PT TestingCNC MachiningISO 9001: 2008 Certifie