Amara Collaboration is a social enterprise based in Finland. Amara's purpose is to double the number of leaders with the capacity to lead transformations worldwide.
Amara offers an Open Transformational Leadership Development Programme for individuals, Workshops, Facilitation and Tailor-made Transformational Leadership Development Programmes for organisation.
Why Develop Transformational Leadership Capacity?
Several recent studies show serious talent management challenges ahead as the business environment is volatile and increasingly uncertain and complex. CEOs worldwide know that a different approach is required to succeed in the future, but few are sure about how to approach it. The majority of companies have not taken the first step to transform.
One of Amara’s founders is Professor William (Bill) Torbert. During 40 years of research in Harvard, Yale and Boston College, he has shown that only 5% of leaders demonstrate a consistent capacity to innovate and to successfully transform their organisations. Those leaders have developed deep mental, emotional and relational capacities to lead complex, systemic change.
Traditional leadership development focuses on competence development and developing skills – What we know. The emerging trend in leadership development, so-called vertical development, focuses on capacity development and mindset transformation –How we know. Amara’s workshop is unique as it interlaces traditional with vertical development.
With vertical development, leaders perform better cross mission-critical domains such as:
- Leading transformational change and Inspiring vision
- Thinking strategically, systemically and contextually
- Reframing challenges and resolving conflicts
- Building relationships, collaborating and making mutual decisions
- Managing/dealing with uncertainty and creating innovative solutions
- Facilitating learning for themselves and others
- Reaching integrity between wishes, actions and results