alternative. exists to realize business ambitions of organizations in a rapidly evolving digital space. Alternative is the people, the purpose and, above all, the perspectives.
At the heart of us, we’re simply about accelerating digital impact across organizations, and the people in a strategic and prioritized way, with present and future shifts in mind. We believe in transforming businesses and organizations in major industries across all functions and processes to optimize best results and key objectives.
We have been behind several top digital campaigns like; Chase Bank's #BeElsewhere, #JamesonConnectsKenya, #AbsolutNights, Internet Solution's #TechIsTomorrow, #UAPKnowBetter, Skyward Express Launch, Spire Bank Rebrand, RMA Launch of Jaguar F-PACE, Land Rover Discovery.
Mantra: Digital leading Africa
Mission: Accelerating digital in Africa in order to transform lives.
Vision: To create a wholly integrated, digital-first world fueled by curiosity, imagination and dynamic thinking.