AlphaPlus is one of the UK’s leading education consultancy and service businesses, specialising in standards, assessment and certification. Drawing on the professional experience of a team whose work spans the public and private sectors, covering education, assessment and evaluation, we specialise in the design, development, deployment and evaluation of qualifications and their underpinning assessment.
As an assessment service provider with a broad scope, AlphaPlus has experience:
1. Helping professional bodies redesign their membership and certification processes
2. Developing new professional and occupational standards
3. Developing new qualifications and curriculums
4. Writing high stakes assessments for awarding organisations such as AOs and Government agencies
5. Providing an outsourced turnkey examinations service
6. Supporting regulators with their work to oversee examinations
7. Providing statistical analysis of assessment data
8. Moving assessments from on-paper to on-screen
Founded in 2003, AlphaPlus has gone from strength to strength. Our revenue has tripled since 2013, and the in-house team have grown to match. Our clients include awarding organisations, professional bodies and government departments, both within the UK and internationally.
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Turning education and skills policy into practice