Almeida Advogados

Almeida Advogados specializes in Law Practice with 51 employees
Phone Number: 551127146900
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About Almeida Advogados
Almeida Advogados was established in 2001 from a partnership of competent professionals committed to the practice of Law, with an initial focus on Mergers & Acquisitions and Corporate Restructuring. Since then the firm has grown exponentially, adding new practices, setting up new offices and expanding into several areas of Corporate Law, assisting both Brazilian and foreign companies with legal corporate counseling, litigation avoidance and litigation counseling in general. With headquarters in the biggest business center of Brazil, strategically located offices and solid international partnerships, Almeida Advogados acts as a true partner to its clients. Our main goal is to understand the reality of those companies’ businesses and become closely familiar with the nuances of their respective industries. With a participatory policy and through unique consultancy, Almeida Advogados assists in the implementation of new businesses and endeavors to minimize the risks involved in its clients’ operations. The firm is managed by professionals and has over 120 collaborators. Our team is comprised of highly skilled professionals who are graduates of national and international institutions, and committed to the firm’s mission. Almeida Advogados adopts as its main premises the perpetual pursuit for the best answers and solutions, creativity, and dynamism, afford our clients efficient legal services specialized in all different industries.
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Law Practice
HQ Location
Rua Funchal, 418 13º andar São Paulo, 04551-060, BR
AmbientalAutomotivoAviaçãoComércio Exterior e AduaneiroCompliance e Governança CorporativConcorrencialContenciosoArbitragem e MediaçãoEsportes e EntretenimentoFamily Office e Gestão Patrimonial
Almeida Advogados Location
  • Rua Funchal, 418 13º andar São Paulo, 04551-060, BR
  • Praia de Botafogo, 440 20º andar Rio de Janeiro, RJ 22250-908, BR
  • SAUS Q1 Bloco N Ed. Terra Brasilis, 7º andar Brasília, DF 70070-010, BR
  • Rua Tomé de Souza, 860 Piso L Belo Horizonte, MG 30130-151, BR
  • R. Padre Carapuceiro, 858 7º andar Recife, PE 51020-280, BR

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