Commercial, Yacht deliveries, project management, crew training, safety training, ISM set up, Any type of vessel maintaince. Help owners get used to operating thier yachts. Refits. Pre sale or Pre purchase surveys. Set up of vessel security plan, Helping owners get thier COI and working with owners and captains training crew to get COI.
HQ Location
2442 NW Market ST
Seattle, WA 98107, US
Yacht delivery operationsProject management in maritimeCrew training programsSafety training protocolsVessel maintenance techniquesRefit proceduresSurveying practicesVessel security planningCOI acquisition assistance
Commercial yacht deliveriesProject managementCrew trainingSafety trainingVessel maintenanceRefitsPre-sale surveysPre-purchase surveysVessel security plan setupHelping owners obtain COI
Yacht Commercial deliveriesRefitsProject ManagementOwner TrainingAssit with Security PlHelp set up ISM polices and SOPEP"S