The “Alkay Animation Prague s.r.o.” studio was set up in 1999. It specialises in CGI character animation, cartoon animation and a combination thereof. The studio is equipped with the latest computer technology. The software used includes Maya, Real Flow, Syflex, Shave and Haircut and 3Delight for 3D animation, also Animo and Toon Boom software for cartoon animation and Adobe software for post-production and visual effects. The studio also has its own digital 4K cutting room and works with the “Doli” sound studio, which is equipped with the “Logic” system. Thanks to all this technology, the studio is able to produce animated films completely independently. The group of animators is made up of professional employees who are skilled in CGI/cartoon technology, and have proved just how good they are through many years of outstanding creative output in animated films. We pay great attention to the artistic quality of films and that is why the studio works with its own group of artists.