Aligned Systems is focused on providing entire gamut of services for Software product companies and Enterprises. We provide innovative solutions to our customers needs.
Our services to Software Product Companies encompass all the stages of product life cycle. We provide services to product companies in the high-tech area, which includes Mobile, Embedded systems, Communications and Enterprise software products.
Product Engineering specialities :
- User Experience
- Product Usage Efficiency
- Rewiring product workflows to accomodate modern paradigms
Enterprise solution specialities:
- Business Analytics, KPI cockpit displays
- Cloud applications
- Application integration and mobility
Resourcing solutions:
- Global resourcing
- Right resource for the job
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HQ Location
#289, 15th Main, RMV Extension
IN,Karnataka,Bangalore,560 080
User experience engineeringProduct usage efficiency engineeringRewiring product workflows for modern work paradigmsBusiness AnalyticsKPI cockpit displaysApplication integration and mobilityGlobal resourcingJob profile matching and training