Here at Afishionado Fishmongers we are knowledgeable and enthusiastic about our favourite subject… sustainable, transparent and locally sourced seafood! We are your community-minded provider of fresh and fresh-frozen seafood dedicated to bringing low-impact fishing traditions back to the plates of consumers. For us, knowing the story behind the fish we sell is paramount. We follow Ocean Wise certification as our main guide, a classification that ensures responsibility to a fishery’s abundance and catch method. We also build deep relationships with our region’s small-scale, community-based fishers and aquaculturalists, and any Afishionado products that don’t have Ocean Wise certification, such as our wild Atlantic Halibut and Cod, are fished using low-impact fishing methods, such as hook and line.
We build and maintain close relationships with those who catch our fish, and work hard to help foster a fair, transparent, traceable, and sustainable exchange of seafood in the Maritimes! We have a variety of ways of getting high-quality sustainable seafood to you, including weekly, and monthly subscription shares, a variety of packaged deals, wholesale, and more!