Advance Film Studios (AFS) is a startup enterprise engaged in the development and production of motion picture films for theatrical release. AFS's goals are to make socially relevant films that will raise the consciousness of viewers to the social injustices both in America and throughout the world. Our films relatable themes and life changing stories will be commercially exploitable to a mass audience.
The Company plans to produce four films over the next five years, with budgets ranging from $4 to $10 million. At the core of AFS are the founders, who bring to the Company successful entrepreneurial experience and in-depth expertise in motion picture production.
The management team includes
President and Executive Producer: Eric Coker
Vice President: D'ara Tabor
Chief Financial Officer: Pamela Burke
Chief Technical Officer: Eric Coker
Directors of Photography:Terry Thomas, Hattie Lemon
Screenwriter: Eric Coker
Director: Eric Coker
Editor: Eric Coker
Cinematographer: Terrel Boaz