Ads that are never skipped, blocked or ignored? Check.
AdWallet connects brands with real people who opt-in to engage with marketing messages by rewarding them for their attention. AdWallet transforms ads from unwanted interruptions to welcomed invitations for your key customers.
AdWallet enables advertisers to finally:
- Be 100% certain their ad was seen by their key target audience.
- Be 100% certain their target audience paid full attention to the ad.
- Be 100% certain when they download an offer, link or information.
- Be 100% certain when the offer was redeemed in their store.
Advertising Services
HQ Location
12231 Academy Rd NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87111, US
Unskipped ad deliveryAudience attention measurementTargeted ad effectivenessReward-based engagement
Ads that are never skipped, blocked or ignoredRewarded advertisingMarketing messages engagementDownloaded offers, links or informationOffer redemption in stores