The underlying weakness of traditional structures and premises about students, staff, learning and the purpose of schooling requires more than minor tweaks to long-standing reform concepts. ALS has a 20 year record of success in moving its partner districts from traditional time-based student achievement to a standards-driven system that transforms the school improvement agenda.
ALS provides innovative and cost-effective professional development that blends whole system strategic blueprints with online curriculum, progress monitoring tools and in-classroom and on-site coaching programs for teachers and administrators. Our versatile team of experienced professionals will work with you to:
• Develop a sound district level strategic blueprint that will reduce the impact of operational silos (Instruction, Business, HR, etc.)known to hinder school improvement;
• Provide comprehensive instructional improvement models and coaching including formal presentations, demonstrations, co-planning/co-teaching, and in-classroom coaching focused on research-based instructional strategies known to directly impact student achievement;
• Introduce your decision makers to The Synced Solution – an electronic curriculum, instruction and assessment management system for implementing CCSS. The Synced Solution reflects ALS’ two decades of learning and impact on school reform and includes detailed scope and sequence tools, measurable daily learning objectives, progress monitoring for mastery, writing prompts and performance tasks that can be customized to the districts needs and available resources.
ALS brings a clear-eyed vision of reform that is practical, comprehensive, coherent and sustainable – resulting in measurable student achievement solutions at every level of the school system. ALS is currently working with districts and schools in multiple states, including Pennsylvania, Michigan, Illinois, California, New York, Arizona, Colorado, and Ohio.