Acreditus is a private advisory partnership with a focus areas in
(1) start-up investing and management advisory.
(2) CIO and family office advisory services that reflect the experience and skills of our Partners and Advisors.
The Partners and network are focussed on fintech, edtech, crypto, biotech and islamic economy sectors that show high but rational/realistic growth potential that reflects the Founder's backgrounds in risk and investment management.
Advisory / Start-Up Consulting
We provide the early stage companies with independent strategic and risk advisory direct to the CEO, improving decision making capabilities and governance. Often the value created results in Board and Executive Management positions.
Advisory / Credit Risk & Ratings
Ensuring a strong credit and rating profile will support efficient reductions your risk premium, funding costs and borrowing/underwriting fees.
Since inception we have worked with numerous start-ups, corporates, sovs, banks and law firms in the UK, UAE, Oman, KSA, Malaysia and Indonesia.
Our team previously have provided over 100 briefings to stakeholders such as the BlackRock, Amundi, AIG, Threadneedle, Ashmore, ECM, Goldman Sachs, JPM AM, Franklin Templeton, BlueBay, World Bank, IIF, ECB, IMF et al.
Salaam & Thank You
Khalid F Howladar
Partner & Founder