Founded in 2010, AchieveMission ( consults with nonprofit and foundation leaders to transform strategy into the reality of mission success. AchieveMission is the only nonprofit consulting firm that brings together experience in the nonprofit sector, talent and performance management, and technology.
- AchieveMission is dedicated to strengthening nonprofits by improving their ability to efficiently and effectively transform strategy into tangible mission results
- We are committed to developing approaches and technologies that enable individual nonprofits and the sector to achieve breakthrough increases in impact with ever decreasing costs
- AchieveMission believes in human capital, data, continuous improvement, SaaS technology and the power of open collaboration
AchieveMission pursues its mission in three ways. We:
- Consult to nonprofits and foundations
- Develop technology that fosters collaborative approaches to knowledge creation, talent development and continuous improvement
- Collaborate with complimentary organizations and initiatives