Providing BOSS(Back Office Support Services) to accountancy practices specially accountancy firms,bookkeeping practices and business owners of small and medium entities in local and global outsourcing market.
AccountingChain is aimed to save you more than 70% of your cost on every assignment. We are happy to take some assignments as a trial basis and once you be happy with our work quality, turnaround and fee; you can opt to discuss rates and other things thereto.
Towards setting up international standard back-office for outsourcing clients, Under BOSS strategy we have defined for ourselves the following core values:
1) Being live - Minimum response time to our clients.
2) Being Valued - We offer the best service quality as agreed with our client on market competitive fees.
3) Being Professional – a certified & experienced professional team we ensure that our clients receive the highest standards of service quality.
All this we have planned keeping in mind to establish our 'brand' in the outsourcing market in the long term.