At Account Control Systems, our first priority is to earn your trust and confidence so we can work together as strategic partners to improve your collection operation and reduce bad debt. We support these goals with CLIENT SERVICES second to none.
•ACCOUNT CONTROL SYSTEMS believes in complete transparency in client reporting. Through our partnership with CLIENT ACCESS WEB, we are able to provide our clients with user-defined access to detailed account information, comprehensive reporting tools, new account entry, and secure file transfer—all provided over a secure connection in real time at their location 24/7.
•All IT TAKES IS THE RIGHT TOOLS. Our partnership with CR Software, the leader in collection software, allows us to deliver High Performing Call Management Solutions, Cutting Edge Mass Mailing Technology and Tailored Solutions to satisfy all our clients' needs.
•AN AGENCY IS ONLY AS GOOD AS THE PEOPLE IT EMPLOYS. Account Control Systems' success is the direct result of the dedication of our managers and collection representatives. Through our ongoing training, members of our team have more than just a job. They have the opportunity to develop personally and professionally while building a career.
Established in 1982 Account Control Systems is a Asset Recovery Management company.
We specialize in collection of deliquent accounts for the Banking, Retail, and Catalog industry