Did you go into HR to nurture and develop your team, or to spend your life doing compliance?
Do you want a project that makes you stand out as an HR except rather than spending your time on mountains of admin?
Do you want to build confidence in your team members, and empower them to excel in English as easily as in their first language?
How much of your colleagues' communication is in English? Studies show that English is fast becoming essential in almost every professional field.
What if your leaders are not as confident in their English as their more junior staff. How does this affect their meetings and relationships? Should you help them?
Maybe you want to help them but you don't have time. That's why Accent is here.
We help professionals with a good level of English transform into super-confident communicators, so that they can truly be themselves, and enjoy expressing themselves and convey their expertise and enthusiasm, in English.
We help professionals in large and small companies. Past and current clients include:
Johnson & Johnson
Ernst & Young
We help them via high level coaching, training and mentoring, focusing exclusively on individual needs. Our passion is to enable them to show how great they are, using English as the medium.
What we can offer you is free regular tips to pass on to your colleagues to help them build their confidence in English. These can easily be inserted into your HR newsletters, just DM and I can set you up.