Accademia Bizantina is the name of a purpose, a vocation, an idea: a group of professional musicians determined to give Baroque music the chance to move us again.
Led by our artistic director Ottavio Dantone, a profound connoisseur of the expressive codes of the 16th and 17th centuries, we have learnt to read the score with the eyes of those who can grasp and recognise the suggestions that the composer had envisioned and wanted to give us.
We give voice to this wealth of sensations and inspirations, exalting its expressive potential without renouncing the interpretative rigour that has always been our hallmark, with the common aim of proving how baroque music can still intrigue and amaze a modern and diverse audience when offered with the right awareness and intensity. Every time we set out to play, we know that philological research and interpretative competence are instruments of a greater purpose: to touch the chords of the human soul by communicating passions, feelings and impressions in music.
Because it is these emotions, whispered in a low voice between the folds of the score, that make Baroque music so fascinating, ever relevant, alive!