Facebook page: www.facebook.com/AcademyACLconnect
AcademyACL is designed as an entire K-8 public charter school where every staff member specializes in gifted education. Based on best practices for gifted learners, our special features include:
* Full-time Gifted Education, with Specialists: Teachers who understand and encourage the academic and social-emotional needs of gifted learners with a highly challenging, highly supportive approach from the first day of kindergarten
* Gifted Peers: Students working together who also have gifted educational needs with passion for deeply exploring subjects and using analytical thinking
* Individual Goals: Personal Learning Plans with goals for each student each quarter
* Integrated Curriculum Model: designed for advanced learners with Big Ideas, Advanced Content and Differentiated Instruction with support materials designed by the Center for Gifted Education at the College of William and Mary
* Family Involvement: Four student-family-teacher conferences each year, and fifteen hours of volunteer involved required per family, per year
* More Time to Explore Ideas: School day from 8AM to 3:10PM
* Free Access: A tuition-free program (with the exception of full-day kindergarten) as a public charter school
* A School of Choice: Detailed information available for parents to decide if this program is a good fit for individual children's needs