ABHISHIEKH RETAILS INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 having its registered office at 34 Patwa Street, Bara Bazar, Bareilly , Uttar Pradesh 243001 and manufacturing unit at Plot No. H9, UPSIDC Growth Centre, Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh 242226 and is in the business of manufacture, distribution and marketing of fruit drink under the brand name “NUTRIRAJA” and sells and distributes its products through its chain of super stockist, distributors, wholesalers and retailers spread all over India
Food and Beverage Services, Lychee Juice, Fruit Juice, Juices, Soups & Soft Drinks, Food & Beverages, Green Lemon Drink, Fruit Beverage, Fruit Drinks
HQ Location
Plot No. H9 UPSIDC Growth Centre
Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh 242226, IN