As a result of the establishment of both security and stability in Riyadh once King Abdul Aziz had captured the city in 1902, carving out the eventual capital city for the Kingdom, the real estate market began to boom through investments and exchanges of land. At this time, The late Sheikh Mohammed Bin Abdullah Bin Saedan initiated his own efforts to engage in the real estate business. Numerous business enterprises began to grow. People from rural areas of Najd resettled in Riyadh, seeking employment and trading opportunities. As a natural consequence, the incoming populations led to a high demand for housing, continually contributing to Riyadh's expansion. Seeing the opportunity for further real estate expansion, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Abdullah Bin Saedan then started to build outside the ancient walls of Riyadh. He is considered a pioneer in this endeavor.
The late Sheikh Abdullah Bin Saedan joined his father from childhood and learned the practice of real estate marketing from him until he started his own real estate business in the year 1934.