AWO Psychiatriezentrum Königslutter
AWO Psychiatriezentrum is a recognised specialised hospital for psychiatry and psychotherapy, for psychiatry and psychotherapy of childhood and adolescence, and for psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy. Here, people find the best possible conditions to diagnose a mental illness in time and to treat it adequately. AWO Psychiatriezentrum has all the modern diagnostic and therapeutic facilities for the treatment of mental disorders.
AWO Psychiatriezentrum is hosting more than 600 patients simultaneously. We offer ambulatory treatment in the ambulatory departments, day-care therapy in the day clinics in Wolfsburg, Wolfenbüttel, Helmstedt, Braunschweig, Gifhorn and Peine and full stationary treatment in the clinics for
- General psychiatry and psychotherapy
- Psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy
- Gerontological psychiatry
- Dependency disorders
- Child and adolescent psychiatry and psychotherapy
- Forensic psychiatry
Central admissions
Mondays to Fridays 8.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.
Tel.: 05353 90-1030
AWO Psychiatriezentrum
Vor dem Kaiserdom 10
38154 Königslutter
Phone: +495353/ 90-0
Hospitals and Health Care, Hausarzt, Krankenhäuser und Kliniken, Gesundheit & Wellness
HQ Location
Vor dem Kaiserdom 10
Königslutter, Niedersachsen 38154 , DE
Allgemeinpsychiatrie und PsychotherapiePsychosomatische Medizin und PsychotherapieGerontopsychiatrieAbhängigkeitserkrankungenKinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und -psychotherapieForensische PsychiatriePsychiatrie AkademieTagesklinikenPsychiatrische DiagnostikPsychiatrische Pflege