AUTORUN ELECTRONIC (HK) CO., LIMITED can provide good quality Security, Safety System & Service and many more China Car Alarm, parking sensor, autopart, electornic components products, as they are a classified Manufacturer. The manufactory of AUTORUN ELECTRONIC (HK) CO., LIMITED is sited in SHENZHEN Guangdong China. AUTORUN ELECTRONIC (HK) CO., LIMITED is a identified firm in China that is exporting in large scale market. AUTORUN ELECTRONIC (HK) CO., LIMITED Description Name: Kay Huang Address: SHENZHEN Guangdong Country: China Main Products: Car Alarm, parking sensor, autopart, electornic components Export Focus: Worldwide Production Lines: 0
Remote Door Lock, Locks & Keys, Security & Protection, Other Passive Components, Passive Components, Electrical & Electronics Supplies, Electric Motorcycles, Automobile, Auto Electronics, Refrigerators
HQ Location
Cmos Car CameraElectronic ComponentsHome AlarmWheel LockCar Trunk Release KitGps NavigatorTwo Way Car Alarm SystemParking SensorKeyless Entry SystemMotorcycle Alarms System