Post-production, Dubbing, Subtitling, DCP mastering.
Our qualified and experienced team is ready to undertake and handle the most complicated and demanding projects.
Our experienced project manager is able to coordinate both internal and external factors.
Watching our customers enjoying our dedicated and fast services and feeling completely satisfied from our creative and quality touch in their projects, was just the beginning. We pursue our dream further.
Using all that positive energy, we keep trying, bringing always the latest, most advanced technology in our work, from design, to encoding to authoring and more.
Animation and Post-production, Picture and sound recording services, film industry, Leisure, culture and entertainment, Leisure & Tourism, Subtitle and caption producers, Film productions, Services for the film and video industry, Film studios
HQ Location
Imittou 190
3rd floor
Athens, Attica 11636, GR
Color CorrectionBlu-ray-DVD authoringEditingDCP mastering (3D2D)subtitlingtranslationLocalizationdubbingvoice over