ATLAS is a leading CBD full-cycle Grade-A office building operator, offering space and services under ATLAS Workplace, ATLAS Living Space and ATLAS Community. ATLAS Workplace provides flexible one-stop work solutions, including Co-working Space, Serviced Office and Headquarter by ATLAS; ATLAS Living Space, combining with fitness, food and beverage, and arts elements to transform the mundane work style of CBDers and create the “Work Hard, Live Well” ATLAS Community.
ATLAS (CHINA) Limited successfully secured long-term strategic investment from PAG Real Estate and Goldman Sachs.
ATLAS 寰圖是領先的 CBD 甲級寫字樓全生態運營商,傾力打造 ATLAS Workplace 寰圖辦公空間、ATLAS Living Space 寰圖生活空間和 ATLAS Community 寰圖辦公生活社區。ATLAS寰圖辦公空間提供多樣靈活的一站式辦公解決方案,涵蓋聯合辦公空間,服務式辦公室及總部定制辦公室;ATLAS 寰圖生活空間融合了運動、餐飲、藝術等元素,打破 CBD 工作者千篇一律的工作方式,構築“盡情工作,盡興生活”(Work Hard, Live Well)的 ATLAS 寰圖辦公生活社區。
PAG Real Estate 太盟地産及 Goldman Sachs 高盛是 ATLAS 寰圖的長期戰略投資者。