Astex Trading

Windows, aluminium, Equipment, Construction & Public Works · 201 Employees
Phone Number: store.handle@gmail.com61052
Email Address: store.handle@gmail.com61052
"Astex" is Ukrainian manufacturing and trading company specializing in hardware for PVC and Aluminum windows and doors, galvanized steel coils, polymer protective films, polymeric raw and silicon metal. The history of foundation and development of "Astex" company, as a successful player in the Ukrainian industry accessories, stretches back for more than 10 years. Since its early years, “Astex” has chosen the strategy of active development which enabled our company to gain a foothold on the market of window and door hardware, as well as to build a strong team of professionals and to continue searching for new perspective and promising areas of company activities. "Astex" has never stopped to implement its strategy of permanent development, dynamic conquering of new markets and continuos strengthening of its team by the best professionals! Our goal - to be a reliable partner for all our customers! Our mission of our company is to saturate the market of hardware for PVC windows and doors with high-tech and high-quality Ukrainian product. We want to prove that door and window hardware of Ukrainian production is not inferior, and often superior to any foreign analogues.Our company creates in Ukraine its own manufacture of complex hardware for PVC windows and doors and strives to enter the leading world markets.We started cooperation with one important and famouse company in EU. With hight demand to quality. For our model Kronos
Year Founded
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Windows, aluminium, Equipment, Construction & Public Works, Frame and joinery, Handles and knobs, plastic, Plastic products, Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals & Plastics, Locks for metal or metal framed doors, Security equipment, Construction
HQ Location
  • Koneva,4,61052Kharkov-Ukraine

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Windows, aluminium, Equipment, Construction & Public Works

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