ARCHIKON SA was founded in 1995 and since then has made an impressive track record of expanding its type, quality and size.
Our engineers are seperts in studies, manufacture, supervision and management of complex construction and infrastructure projects.
We aim and provide high standards, competitive cost consious construction of sound quality and within delivery times across Greece, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria and Cyprus.
ARXIKON holds a 6th grade construction permit and since 2001 he has applied Quality Management Systems, ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 18001 certified for the construction of building projects.
ARXIKON SA is active in the construction industry, exploiting its know-how, relying on specialized executives as well as its highly trained staff.
Since 2002, ARXIKON SA has been consistently ranked among the 20 construction companies with a continuous upward trend and has been certified by ICAP as one of the strongest companies in Greece. It cooperates with major Greek and foreign companies, with whom there is a long and continuous path, while at the same time it has a significant presence in projects of the broader public sector