We are Architects and Interior Designers, and our Company name is ARIDKO; the KO is meant both for the Company and as "the offspring of," which is a translation from Japanese.
You may know us from some of the work by our founding firm, Stephen Alton Architect. With this rebranding, we are re-establishing our Company's goals, bringing in highly experienced talent, and expanding our production and technical capabilities.
ARIDKO explores the unique opportunities of every project, collaborating with clients to mediate their ambitions and create places of lasting value. Rather than fixed formal ideas, we focus on quality of process through which a robust design can emerge. We work closely with our clients to develop a strong understanding of the project's program, ambitions, and context to expose each project's issues and unique opportunities early on, avoiding over-design and overly complex solutions. This process establishes a consensus around the project's purpose and its physical expression and identity.