AO FENG INDUSTRIAL LIMITED can supply good quality Industrial Supplies and various other China pipe products, as they are a recognized Wholesaler. The firm of AO FENG INDUSTRIAL LIMITED is positioned in jiefang Cangzhou Hebei 610 China. AO FENG INDUSTRIAL LIMITED is a identified corporation in China that is operating internationally. AO FENG INDUSTRIAL LIMITED Profile Name: Jack Address: jiefang Cangzhou Hebei 610 Country: China Main Products: pipe Year Established: 2009 Export Focus: Australia, Canada, Germany, France, United Kingdom Estimated Employees: 101 - 200 People Registered Capital: US$5 Million Ownership Status: Private Limited Export Percentage: 91% - 100% Factory Size: Above 100, 000 square meters Production Lines: 10 Research Team Size: 51 - 100 People Contract Services: OEM Service Offered