Welcome to this page in which we will promote ANOHA Consulting Services. From 2002 we are “Consulting Services”.
ANOHA Consulting Services offers a number of services.
Training Services - has been around a long time already. Training is provided by multilingual, certified instructors with comprehensive understanding of services, industry and technology drivers. Training can be given in Class-room or can be delivered on-site (tailor-made); leTraining modules offered.
Support packages - we position them separately from ANOHA Consulting Services, because they have a different scope, it’s a different way of working, and Support is in charge of product managing these support packages.
All these services have a specific mission:
Allow for business growth and improve customer service. Increase your operational effieciency. Allow for business growth through Training and through Business Consultancy.
Bring down the cost, reduce risks . Bring down the cost for example through our Technical Consulting Services, we can show how customers can rationalise their infrastructure or can make better use through Business Consulting Services. Reduce the risk, similarly, through support services, they can reduce the risk through Premium or Premium Plus packages. They have a much better access to support and more proactive support.