ALVA is a technology company founded in Silicon Valley with several decades of experience in LEDs and high-performance electronics. ALVA’s products are developed, from concept to completion, around the unique advantages of LED lighting technology.
We worked closely with architects, lighting designers, interior designers, electricians, and building owners to understand what their ideal light would look like and how it would perform and we designed our lights to fit that ideal. For that reason, our very first product, an ADA wall sconce, and in fact our entire line of products, include the following features:
-Even illumination of the shade without hot spots and shadowing
-Outstanding energy-efficiency
-Flexible dimming methods
-A 10 year warranty
-Fully integrated battery back-up systems (option)
-Priced to allow for volume specification
In addition, we worked with interior designers to develop resin shade materials where we embed fabrics and/or natural materials in a robust, easy to maintain shade that illuminates beautifully.
Key Elements of ALVA’s Products:
-Contract-grade quality light fixtures designed to last well beyond our 10 Year Warranty
-Highest energy efficiency and rated life time
-Clean, timeless design
ALVA is proud to offer an attractive, well-designed line of LED light fixtures that outperform fluorescent and incandescent lamped lights in every aspect, providing maintenance-free, highly energy-efficient lighting.