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AIM Strategies®, a Yael Zofi Company, www.yaelzofi.com), also known as Applied Innovative Management® Strategies.
We are a results-driven Human Capital Consulting firm specializing in virtual/hybrid/onsite teams, leadership coaching, cross cultural communications and people strategies.
AIM®’s mission is to help clients build leadership capabilities to achieve superior business performance by customizing virtual team management solutions – practical consulting, innovative training, and hands-on executive coaching. We help you develop global leaders by aligning leadership capability with business strategy; guiding leaders to raise their organization’s IQ and develop the exceptional people skills necessary to outpace their competitors.
Founder & CEO: Yael Zofi (www.yaelzofi.com) is a thought leader and virtual team dynamics expert. She has worked with numerous organizations for 25+ years and has dedicated her efforts to apply behavioral science techniques to improve team performance.
AIM Strategies® Clients Include: http://www.yaelzofi.com/hub/yael-in-person/clients
www.yaelzofi.com and via email, contact info@aim-strategies.com to learn more about how AIM’s human capital services unlock the ‘people potential’ of your organization.