Prior to Artificial Intelligence (AI) businesses historically operated with two primary factors of production … labor and capital. Today AI has proven to be a major third factor of production. A business operating with all three factors of production will have superior performance to competitors using only labor and capital. AI is now a powerful diagnostic tool for discovering previously hidden patterns in Big Data and for enabling elimination of wastes (inventory, scrap, rework, and tooling set-up) that increase process lead time. Challenges with these operating wastes are faced daily across many industry sectors, but are particularly difficult to overcome in low volume, high mix non-repetitive manufacturing environments. The world of process improvement using Lean Six Sigma (LSS) alone has clearly changed, and as we move deeper into this millennium, business (both Commercial and Government) must also change.
For years leaders from many industries (both Commercial and Government) have relied on Mike George and his teams, the world’s leading experts on Lean Six Sigma (LSS), to boost business growth, organizational and operating performance through reducing cycle time and eliminating non-value add wastes. Now by combining LSS with Artificial Intelligence (AI), it’s possible for these same leaders to unlock their organization’s full potential.
AI technologies (AIT) can show you how to harness the power of today’s cutting-edge AI technology that promises to change everything as we know it and to dramatically enhance any LSS management program. AIT will guide you through the process of deploying AI to reach maximum velocity, to reduce wastes and increase profits, to achieve mission success, and to ultimately outflank your competition at every turn. You will take this revolutionary approach to new heights … and that will make all the difference between success and failure in the coming years.