AEGEE is one of the biggest interdisciplinary student associations in Europe; it is represented by 15.000 students, active in 232 academic cities, in 43 countries all around Europe, which presents amazing culture variety. AEGEE is a secular, non-profit organization, not linked to any political party. All projects and activities are based on voluntarily work of its members.
- to promote a unified Europe without prejudices
- to strive for creating an open and tolerant society of today and tomorrow
- to foster democracy, human rights, tolerance, cross-boarder co-operation, mobility and European dimension in education
Action Days - at the same time, all over Europe AEGEE locals carry out various activities, which deal with one topic and together provide a great and complex composition of results.
Case Study Trips - research trips aiming to increase the knowledge on a specific topic concerning a specific area.
Projects - every year, during a General Assembly (AGORA), AEGEE members decide on a Yearplan Topic -the tematic frame for projects involving whole Network.
Summer Universities - unique international summer courses: every year, in around 100 places all over Europe, multicultural groups of 20-50 young people, enjoy together the wonders of cultural variety. They can focus on: art, history, languages, nature or sports.