Advanced Magnetic Technologies And Consulting (Amt&C)

Industrial valves, operating equipment, Tools & Hardware, Metallurgy & Metalworking · 11 Employees
AMT&C Group designs and manufactures magnetic equipment for domestic, industrial and scientific applications on the basis of permanent magnets and electromagnetic systems. The Group produces: —permanent magnet systems of highly intensive magnetic field (magnetic indicators of flaws, magnetic field sources of various shapes); —magnetic electrical and electronic measuring instruments for laboratories and re-searchers; —electromagnetic equipment. AMT&C focuses on contemporary areas of applied magnetism: energy-independent gas shut-off valves, electric actuators and electric machines with extremely high energy conversion effi-ciency, sprung in-wheel motors, scientific instrumentation and magnetic systems for control-ling endoscopic GI examination capsules. The Group designs and manufactures powerful magnetic systems for science and industry (magnetic separators, iron separators), as well as search coil magnetometers and devices for measuring magnetic quantities. AMT&C conducts R&D in magnetic hyperthermia, precision targeted magnetic field controlled desorption of drugs, magnetic refrigeration, as well as in methods of manufacturing nanoscale and nanostructured materials. AMT&C Group started its operations in magnetic equipment and technologies market in 1999 and currently benefits from over 40 years of scientific and practical experience in the field of magnetism and its applications. The R&D activity of AMT&C Group based on more than 40 years of scientific and practical experience in the field of magnetism and its applications, which is a key factor in the design of innovative equipment. In terms of publishing research results, in 2022 AMT&C published significant articles "Magnetic Hyperthermia Nanoarchitectonics via Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Stabilized by Oleic Acid: Anti-Tumour Efficiency and Safety Evaluation in Animals with Transplanted Carcinoma" and "Optimization of Zn–Mn ferrite nanoparticles for low frequency hyperthermia: Exploiting the potential of superquadratic field dependence of magnetothermal response”, and the book “Magnetic Materials and Technologies for Medical Applications. 1st Edition" (Elsevier). The full list of publications can be found at
Year Founded
Social Media
Industrial valves, operating equipment, Tools & Hardware, Metallurgy & Metalworking, Electromagnets, Elektronik-Entwicklung, Laboreinrichtungen für die Elektrotechnik und Elektronik, Entwicklung von Motoren, Steuerungen, digitale, Messgeräte für elektrische Größen, Instrumentenmagnete, permanente
HQ Location
  • Moscow,Promyshlennayastr.,4,108840Moscow-Russia

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Industrial valves, operating equipment, Tools & Hardware, Metallurgy & Metalworking

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